CDE Calendar of Courses


Wednesday, July 24, 2024 | 4:30 PM - 6 PM (Pacific) | LIVE WEBINAR

The course is intended to provide fundamental understanding on substance use disorders, and possible referral and management. Reviewing the Principles of sound Pain management: Safe pharmacological management of dental pain; acute and chronic pain. Along with reviewing Substance abuse and addiction: Terminology, definitions; prevalence and incidence; drugs of abuse and addiction; identifying the risk factors; who is prone?

Thursday, July 25, 2024 | 5 PM - 6:30 PM (Pacific) | LIVE WEBINAR

At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to: master efficient crown preparations, troubleshoot common challenges in crown procedures, optimize material selection for crowns, foster a comprehensive approach to dentistry, enhance pediatric patient management, improve patient communication and expectation management, promote continual professional development.


Tuesday, August 13, 2024 | 5 PM - 7 PM (Pacific) | LIVE WEBINAR

At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to restore teeth with composite with minimal loss of structure and restore missing teeth without crown preparations on abutment teeth.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024 | 5 PM - 6 PM (Pacific) | LIVE WEBINAR

In this presentation, participants will be able to describe the current situation of human trafficking plaguing the United States and learn practices to help identify potential victims in the dental practice. Additionally, an emphasis on trauma-informed care will be discussed to help equip dental professionals in treating this population.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024 | 5 PM - 6:30 PM (Pacific) | LIVE WEBINAR

Athletes participating in various sports experience a complex array of oral health issues. The association between biochemical physiology, oral habits, and related factors and the increase in prevalence of carious lesions will be discussed. Based on a literature review and many years of usage, a newly designed “Combination Pre-participation Dental Screening and Triaging Form” has come to the forefront. The practical application of its use will be demonstrated.
The program will highlight other areas of concern when managing your patient – “Who is an Athlete”. These topics include smokeless tobacco (ST) use, hazard awareness and a unique approach to a ST cessation, the emergence of E-cigarette usage, mouthguard use and bacterial contamination, and the ideal properties of a mouthguard.

Saturday, August 24, 2024 | 8 AM - 9:30 AM (Pacific) | LIVE WEBINAR

Matching the natural color and shape of anterior teeth can be challenging. Over the years, I have perfected a technique to predictably restore more than 90% of the anterior teeth using a few composite resin shades and a secret ingredient. This course is for dentists eager to learn the technique and get to know some tips and tricks for diastema closure.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024 | 5 PM - 7 PM (Pacific) | LIVE WEBINAR

This presentation provides an overview of the organization of the brain and spinal cord, cranial nerves, branches, structure and their functions. Participants will trace and understand motor and sensory pathways and integrate this knowledge into clinical situations in dentistry.



September 28 & 29 and October 18 & 19, 2024 | HANDS-ON AT UBC

Local Anaesthesia for Dental Hygienists is a three and one half day course, designed to teach basic and current concepts of local anaesthesia, and administration of local anaesthetic agents. The course is comprised of two session with lectures, clinical instruction, and application of clinical techniques on September 28 & 29 (full days) and the written and clinical evaluations on October 18 (evening) and October 19 (full day). To participate in this course, registrants must hold a conditional license with the BC College of Oral Health Professionals.

NOTE: Dental hygienists who are authorized and certified to administer local anaesthesia (LA) in BC have the inidcation of "C" next to their license class. Successful completion of UBC's Local Anaesthesia for Dental Hygienists course meets the BC College of Oral Health Professionals criteria to obtain a "C" certification. For further details, please check the BC College of Oral Health Professionals website.

For further course details and to register.

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September 28 & 29, 2024 | HANDS-ON AT UBC

Looking to take a local anaesthesia review program? UBC Continuing Dental Education invites registered dental hygienists who are authorized and certified to administer local anaesthesia in BC “(C)” to partake in our annual Local Anaesthesia review program. This Comprehensive Review of Local Anaesthesia program runs in tandem with UBC’s full Local Anaesthesia program. The course is a two-day course designed to teach and revisit basic and current concepts of local anaesthesia and administration of local anaesthetic agents.

For further course details and to register.

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(Three 3-day modules, held Friday to Sunday)

As in all successful organizations, the efficient management of systems, costs and revenues is critical to success. For dental professionals, understanding how to manage these factors and improve customer retention through quality of care, are key to developing a sustainable, patient-centric practice.

Designed and delivered by UBC Sauder professors and successful dental practitioners, and based on industry best practices and key measurements, the concepts and skills presented in this certificate program will help you work more effectively with your staff, streamline your systems and make smart decisions for the future.

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Saturday, October 5, 2024 | HANDS-ON AT UBC | Limited Enrolment

The focus of this hands-on program is to provide general dentists with key factors in achieving predictable aesthetic and functional outcomes with different types of fixed prosthesis on natural teeth. In the didactic section of this full day course, a comprehensive review of prosthodontic treatment planning as well as indications and contraindications for different types of ceramic restorations will be provided. A systematic approach to smile design, tooth preparation, impression, temporization and cementation will be discussed. Participants will be introduced to techniques that can help them be more efficient and successful in their practices. The hands-on component will focus on preparation, impression and temporization of typodonts, and introduction to digital technology including intra oral scanners, and smile design software.

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STUDY CLUB: Clinically Applicable Oral Pathology with Dr. Charles Shuler

October 2024 - June 2025  |  LIVE WEBINAR

Limited Enrolment ~ On-going study club, registration for this event is open and new members are welcome!

This study club will guide dental professionals to develop an approach to recognize and manage oral soft tissue changes that can be incorporated into their daily clinical practice. The group will examine case studies of oral soft and hard tissue lesions that have been seen in dental clinical settings. Each case will be reviewed with respect to the process of recognizing the tissue change and establishing the process for moving to a final diagnosis. Participants in the course will be encouraged to bring examples from their own private practices and all cases reviewed will have been initially identified in a general dental practice.

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CHARLES SHULER, BSc, DMD, PhD, Professor, UBC, was the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of British Columbia for ten years, finishing his second five-year term June 30, 2017. He is now a professor of oral pathology in the Department of Oral Biological and Medical Sciences at UBC Dentistry and teaching oral pathology/medicine. Prior to being appointed at UBC he was a faculty member at the University of Southern California for 18 years. At USC he served as the Director of the University of Southern California Center for Craniofacial Molecular Biology holding an endowed chair position as the George and Mary Lou Boone Chair Professor of Craniofacial Molecular Biology. He also served as the Director of the Graduate Program in Craniofacial Biology and the Associate Dean for Student and Academic Affairs at the USC School of Dentistry. Dr. Shuler received his B.S. in Biochemistry from the University of Wisconsin, his D.M.D. from Harvard School of Dental Medicine, his Ph.D. in Pathology from the University of Chicago and his Oral Pathology education at the University of Minnesota and the Royal Dental College Copenhagen Denmark. He has been active in assessing and managing clinical oral pathology patients with soft and hard tissue lesions. He has had an active research program funded by national granting agencies that focused on evaluating the molecular regulation of the soft and hard tissues of the secondary palate to better understand the etiology of craniofacial birth defects and pathologic changes of the tissues.

October 17 - 20 & November 2 OR November 3, 2024 | 5 DAY HANDS-ON COURSE OR 3 DAY DIDACTIC, HELD AT UBC | Limited Enrolment

The Complete Clinician course caters to novice implant dentists eager to embark on the rewarding journey of implants; implant placers with limited experience who wish to progress to the next level, and to implant surgeons who would benefit from incorporating computer guided technology into their implant practice. With two unique offerings; three full days of didactic and live surgery demos or five full days of didactic, live surgery demos, patient screening and clinicial hands-on patient treatment, this course provides exceptional training to learn how to diagnose and perform implant surgery.

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Saturday, October 26, 2024 | HANDS-ON AT UBC | Limited Enrolment

This evidence-based presentation will explore the relationship of dental occlusion re: stomatognathic system stabilization and TMD/orofacial pain. Whether a dental generalist, dental specialist, dental hygienist, denturist or dental technician, lessons learned from this didactic/clinical presentation will be immediately applicable to daily clinical patient care. Didactic topics will include: evidence-based dentistry and orofacial pain/TMD basics to occlusion and facially generated treatment planning for everyday interdisciplinary dentistry. Clinical (demonstration/practical hands-on) topics will include: evaluation/examination and mandibular guidance basics with intermaxillary record securing (conventional and digital).

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Friday, November 15 & Saturday, November 16, 2024 | HANDS-ON AT UBC | Limited Enrolment

This course introduces the participants to various aspects of soft tissue grafting and periodontal plastic surgery. Topics covered will include autogenous connective tissue grafts (CTGs), autogenous free gingival grafts (FGGs), utilizing allograft materials from the market, pedicle flaps, etc. An emphasis is placed on treatment planning and patient selection criteria through evidence based lectures and handouts. The program will include interactive video presentations of surgeries by the instructor (s). All dentists will perform hands-on surgeries in simulation on animal mandibles.

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Friday, November 22 - Sunday, November 24, 2024 | HANDS-ON AT UBC | Limited Enrolment

This hands-on course offers instruction in all aspects of adult minimal sedation to include nitrous oxide/oxygen inhalation and oral sedation, as well as effective methods in dealing with anxiety control in general practice. Participants will learn various techniques and will have the opportunity to try several types of nitrous oxide and oxygen delivery units. The three day course satisfies the requirements for state or provincial dental boards or colleges who require 21 hours of continuing education to certify for combined inhalation and oral adult minimal sedation. The two day course is designed to achieve certification in nitrous oxide/oxygen inhalation sedation, with 14 hours of continuing education.
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Saturday, November 30, 2024 | HANDS-ON AT UBC | Limited Enrolment

This course will delve into the principles of 3D printing technology and its practical applications in dentistry, including the fabrication of surgical guides, dental models, night guards and other prosthetic components. We will explore the efficiency of 3D printing compared to traditional method and discuss how it enhances treatment planning and patient outcomes. Whether you are an experienced practitioner looking to integrate advanced technology into your practice or planning to invest in a 3D printer, this course will offer valuable insights into the transformative potential of 3D printing in modern dentistry and its immediate benefits to your private practice.

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Please click HERE to visit our online library for a selection of pre-recorded, self-paced learning opportunities

UBC Continuing Dental Education reserves the right to cancel courses if necessary due to low enrolment, instructor cancellation, or other unforeseen issues. In the case of a course cancellation, a full refund will be issued.