Founding UBC Dentistry Dean Dr. S Wah Leung (left) with the DMD Class of 1968
Dr. S. Wah Leung was the founding Dean of the UBC Faculty of Dentistry (1963 to 1978) and was distinguished internationally in his field. The S. Wah Leung Endowment Fund honours Dr. Leung’s lifelong commitment to excellence in teaching, research and patient care in the oral health sciences.
The following six projects received support from this UBC Faculty of Dentistry fund in 2024:
Drs. Anuja Doshi and Zul Kanji received $4,000 for their project “Empower and ERASE: Understanding mistreatment of student learners by patients and preparing faculty to support.”
Dr. Mohamed Gebril received $4,490 for his project “Evaluation of the influence of different 3D printers and the printing orientation on the marginal fit of 3D printed resin crowns and fixed dental prosthesis.”
Dr. Lari Häkkinen received $5,000 for his project “Deciphering the osteogenic potential of human gingival fibroblasts.”
Dr. Ahmed Hieawy received $5,000 for his project “Machine learning-based detection and analysis of cervical root resorption.”
Dr. Hugh Kim received $5,000 for his project “The role of platelet chemokine signaling in rheumatoid arthritis.”
Drs. Catherine Poh and Kevin Ko received $5,000 for their project “An objective assessment of oral dysplasia using machine-learning analysis of p53, p21, and HRAS immunohistochemical patterns that predict the outcome of progression.”