This combined program option is a clinical specialty program that is offered in conjunction with a PhD in Craniofacial Science. The program provides education and training for clinicians, researchers and teachers. Achievement of the Diploma in Endodontics requires completion of the clinical and didactic requirements associated with the diploma program in the Faculty of Dentistry, successful completion of the PhD in Craniofacial Science course requirements, and successful defense and submission of the thesis to the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Please note that your supervisor, supervisory committee members and area of research may not necessarily be in the same specialty area of this clinical program.
In this program option, the degree and the diploma are awarded conjointly and both must be completed to graduate. Graduates will be eligible to take the examinations for specialty certification in endodontics through NDEB and the American Board of Endodontics. Specialty certifications, administration and management of the NDSE for all dental specialty programs is hosted by RCDC (
For PhD/Specialty Diploma programs: A very limited number of places are available in these programs, based on availability of PhD Supervisors. Potential applicants to the PhD/Certificate programs should make contact with a potential PhD Supervisor before applying. Researchers are listed on the FOD website
Applicants must meet minimum admission requirements of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Admission to the PhD program is based on supervisor and funding availability. Based on the UBC policy, the minimum funding for PhD students 2024 September entry is $24,000.00/year for a maximum of four years while registered in the program. This minimum funding needs to be confirmed either by the PhD supervisor or the third party financial sponsorship by a government agency, health care or academic institution (e.g. university, hospital). Self-funding or private sponsorship is not considered.
The deadline for fully documented applications to the program is March 31st for July entry of the following year.