The Faculty of Dentistry offers advanced study leading to the PhD in Craniofacial Science through one of the following areas of study:
- Research in Population Health will explore the complex interactions (social, cultural, environmental) that affect the oral health of individuals, communities and populations.
- Oral health related clinical research includes both interventional and observational studies focusing on the following: disease prevention, diagnosis, risk, treatment, prognosis and health care.
- Basic science research in the areas of biomaterials, cell biology, developmental biology, microbiology and molecular biology is available.
Applicants must meet minimum admission requirements of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Admission to the PhD program is based on supervisor and funding availability. Based on the UBC policy, the minimum funding for PhD students for September 2024 entry is $24,000.00/year for a maximum of four years while registered in the program. This minimum funding needs to be confirmed either by the PhD supervisor or the third party financial sponsorship by a government agency, health care or academic institution (e.g. university, hospital). Self-funding or private sponsorship is not considered. Successful applicants without third-party financial sponsorship, will receive financial support of $24,000.00/year for a maximum of four years while registered in the program, to be confirmed by the supervisor. The program is open to those who have completed an MSc degree meeting minimum requirements. Applicants holding a DDS, DMD, MD, or DVM degree are also eligible, however their application and admission conditions will be the same as for those applying with any non-graduate degree. Such applicants must, during the first year of study, complete 12 credits with a first class average of which at least 9 credits must be at the 500-level or above and at least 9 credits must be no less than ‘A-’ (at UBC, 80%), to maintain registration as a doctoral student.
In exceptional cases, applicants who hold a bachelor’s degree with an overall average in the A grade range and who demonstrate advanced research ability may be granted direct admission to a doctoral degree program on recommendation of the admitting graduate program and approval of the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Students entering directly from a bachelor’s degree must, during the first two years of study, complete a total of 12 credits with a first class average, of which at least 9 credits must be at the 500-level or above and at least 9 credits must be of first class standing, to maintain registration as a doctoral student.
Students will normally take DENT 539 (Stats) and DENT 540 (Research Methods) during their first year. Students will also be required to pass a comprehensive examination. The program ordinarily requires at least four full academic years of study. The program is research-oriented, consisting of didactic courses and original research carried out under supervision. It is not a clinical program leading to clinical specialization, and is unrelated to licensure. In addition, the Faculty provides an opportunity for qualified students to enter combined programs leading to certification in a dental specialty in conjunction with this PhD.
The deadline for fully documented complete applications is February 28th for September entry of the same year.