Treatment is provided by students in UBC’s undergraduate program in General Dentistry.
Our Services
Comprehensive Care
Multiple treatments (cleaning, fillings, partial dentures, complete dentures, crowns, bridges).
Student dentists in the Doctor of Dental Medicine program are looking for patients who require at least three treatments. If you need enough work for our student dentists, you can request a screening appointment for comprehensive care.
Screening is only a visual look in your mouth to confirm that you require enough dental work. No treatment occurs during the screening appointment, which will take approximately one hour.
If you meet the requirements and are accepted, you will be charged a $20.00 screening fee, after which you will be placed on a waitlist to be assigned to a dental student. The wait can be several months due to the high volume of patients.
Limited/Specific Treatments
Extractions and root canals (for patients who do not have a referral from a dentist).
Who Can Receive Treatment?
Adults and children older than 12 years old. For younger children, see Pediatric Dentistry.
Fees for treatment are 60% of what most family dentists charge.
Become a Patient
Get started by filling out the Patient Contact Form: