Dr. Brondani’s Research

Mario Brondani


Recent Publications

  1. Brondani M, Cheng SM. HIV screening in dental clinics: are we ready? Journal of the Canadian Dental Association 2014; 80: e58.
  2. Brondani M, MacEntee MI. Thirty years of portraying oral health through models: what have we accomplished in oral health-related quality of life research? Quality of Life Research 2013; 23: 1087-1096.
  3. Brondani M, Pattanaporn, K, Aleksejūnienė J. How can dental public health competencies be addressed at the undergraduate level? Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 2015, 75: 49-57.
  4. Brondani M, Pattanaporn, K, Ramanula D. Tackling stress management and suicide prevention within an undergraduate dental curriculum. Journal of Dental Education, 2014, 78; 1286-1293.
  5. Brondani MA. Article Analysis & Evaluation: Dental treatment intensity in frail older adults in the last year of life. Journal of Evidence Based Dental Practice 2014, 14: 59-61.
  6. Salmasi A*, Harrison R, Brondani MA. They stole her teeth! An Exploration of Adults with Developmental Disability experiences with dental care. Journal of Special Care in Dentistry, 2015. May 7. doi: 10.1111/scd.12115. [Epub ahead of print]
  7. Brondani M, Chang SM. Clinical Summary: HIV screening in dental clinics: are we ready? Canadian Dental Association Essentials 2015; 2(7): 31-32.
  8. Brondani M, Phillips C, Kerston P, Minori N. Stigma experienced by people living with HIV when accessing oral care. Journal of the Canadian Dental Association 2015, in press.
  9. MacEntee M, Brondani M. Cross-cultural validity of OHIP. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 2015, doi: 10.1111/cdoe.12198 (ahead of print). This manuscript got a commentary on the same journal in 2016 by Frederic D, Trojak B, Rude N. Cross-cultural equivalence in translation of the Oral Health Impact Profile: How to interpret the final score? Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 2016, in press.
  10. Seo J, Brondani MA, MacEntee MI. Content validity for cross cultural measures of oral health-related quality of life. Health and Quality of Life Research 2015, 2015, 13:138.
  11. Karin A, Kazanjian A, Aleksejūnienė J, Brondani M, Yen E. Orthodontic Treatment Need of Adolescents in the Island Community of Haida Gwaii, Canada. International Journal of Indigenous Health 2015, 10(2): 51-65.
  12. Brondani MA, Donnelly L, Postnikoff J. “I’m not HIV positive, I’m undetectable”: Community forum views of people living with HIV/AIDS and issues of self-stigma. Stigma and Health 2016, in press.
  13. Mengatto CM, Gameiro GH, Brondani MA, Owen PC, MacEntee MI. Masticatory effects of reducing the number of clinical sessions for making complete dentures. International Journal of Prosthodontics 2016, in press.
  14. Jessani A, Laronde D, Mathu-Muju K, Brondani M. Pregnancy and vulnerability: Self-perceived oral health and dental service utilization by pregnant women in British Columbia, Canada. Journal of the Canadian Dental Association 2016, in press.