Dr. Brondani’s Research
Recent Publications
- Brondani M, Cheng SM. HIV screening in dental clinics: are we ready? Journal of the Canadian Dental Association 2014; 80: e58.
- Brondani M, MacEntee MI. Thirty years of portraying oral health through models: what have we accomplished in oral health-related quality of life research? Quality of Life Research 2013; 23: 1087-1096.
- Brondani M, Pattanaporn, K, Aleksejūnienė J. How can dental public health competencies be addressed at the undergraduate level? Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 2015, 75: 49-57.
- Brondani M, Pattanaporn, K, Ramanula D. Tackling stress management and suicide prevention within an undergraduate dental curriculum. Journal of Dental Education, 2014, 78; 1286-1293.
- Brondani MA. Article Analysis & Evaluation: Dental treatment intensity in frail older adults in the last year of life. Journal of Evidence Based Dental Practice 2014, 14: 59-61.
- Salmasi A*, Harrison R, Brondani MA. They stole her teeth! An Exploration of Adults with Developmental Disability experiences with dental care. Journal of Special Care in Dentistry, 2015. May 7. doi: 10.1111/scd.12115. [Epub ahead of print]
- Brondani M, Chang SM. Clinical Summary: HIV screening in dental clinics: are we ready? Canadian Dental Association Essentials 2015; 2(7): 31-32.
- Brondani M, Phillips C, Kerston P, Minori N. Stigma experienced by people living with HIV when accessing oral care. Journal of the Canadian Dental Association 2015, in press.
- MacEntee M, Brondani M. Cross-cultural validity of OHIP. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 2015, doi: 10.1111/cdoe.12198 (ahead of print). This manuscript got a commentary on the same journal in 2016 by Frederic D, Trojak B, Rude N. Cross-cultural equivalence in translation of the Oral Health Impact Profile: How to interpret the final score? Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 2016, in press.
- Seo J, Brondani MA, MacEntee MI. Content validity for cross cultural measures of oral health-related quality of life. Health and Quality of Life Research 2015, 2015, 13:138.
- Karin A, Kazanjian A, Aleksejūnienė J, Brondani M, Yen E. Orthodontic Treatment Need of Adolescents in the Island Community of Haida Gwaii, Canada. International Journal of Indigenous Health 2015, 10(2): 51-65.
- Brondani MA, Donnelly L, Postnikoff J. “I’m not HIV positive, I’m undetectable”: Community forum views of people living with HIV/AIDS and issues of self-stigma. Stigma and Health 2016, in press.
- Mengatto CM, Gameiro GH, Brondani MA, Owen PC, MacEntee MI. Masticatory effects of reducing the number of clinical sessions for making complete dentures. International Journal of Prosthodontics 2016, in press.
- Jessani A, Laronde D, Mathu-Muju K, Brondani M. Pregnancy and vulnerability: Self-perceived oral health and dental service utilization by pregnant women in British Columbia, Canada. Journal of the Canadian Dental Association 2016, in press.