Achieving Wellbeing

Steps to Wellbeing:

Move: Exercise is critical to mental health, quality of life, and overall wellbeing – it is even proven to reduce anxiety and depression! When incorporating exercise, seek activities you enjoy. Try biking with friends, following YouTube dance routines, or having a quick jogging session. Check out this list of 13 ways to make exercise fun for more ideas!

Eat Well: Eating well affects our physical and mental health, and a well-balanced diet may be associated with feelings of wellbeing. To get started in the kitchen, check out some simple recipes or learn what makes a healthy meal. You can also visit UBC Food to learn more cooking tips and find on-campus eateries.

Be Part of a Community: Having a supportive community is crucial to wellbeing; spending time with family and friends increases our sense of belonging. Check in with and video-call the people you love, drop into the Wellness Centre Online, or join a UBC club focused on something you love to meet new people!

Get Involved: Trying new things and helping others heightens your sense of purpose, connection, and wellbeing. Get involved at UBC, volunteer, or try our community programs and outgoing programs.

Seek Help: Reach out when you are in need of help, no matter how big or small the problem seems. A brief check-in or a one-time session with a counsellor can help us get back on track. Check out our Wellbeing Services below.

Building Resilience (PDF): Learn how to increase your resilience when facing new challenges.

Helping Others (PDF): Learn how to help someone experiencing depression.

More On Wellbeing:

Yale Study – Improving Mental Health
This article summarizes the results of a Yale study on improving students’ mental health.

How to make stress your friend | Kelly McGonigal
Watch the video below for advice on turning stress into your friend by changing the way you perceive it.

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